You’ll need to re-connect to pfSense after that. In pfSense, Diagnostics > States > Reset States tick the “Reset the firewall state table,” then click on the “Reset” button.

Make sure your Xbox One(s) is/are completely shut down (when in doubt, unplug it/them). The “/32” in the other two entries indicates individual hosts, which are the only ones on the network allowed to access UPnP (this overrides the “Deny access to UPnP & NAT-PMP by default” setting in step 6).

The “/24” applies the rule to the entire subnet. This rule must be the first entry in the list. Note that you want to block port 3074, which forces the Xbox One(s) to use different ports for Xbox Live and allows multiple Xbox Ones to have Open NAT. For those three lines under “ACL Entries,” I actually “stole” those from the file I used with a UniFi USG Pro for the same issue (Open NAT with multiple Xbox Ones).